Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Northern Strategy

In today's Wall Street Journal(link) Brendan Miniter begs the question "Can the GOP become a national party again?". Apparently former governor Robert Ehrlich, is writing a book a called "Not Your Father's Republican Party." This is not one of those "we need to be a big tent" books but rather Ehrlich is advocating winning the North by: "Elect a strong leader. Don't shy away from taking on controversial issues, even those involving race. Return to economic and fiscally conservative principles. And 'never apologize when you're right.'" Ehrlich correctly realizes that we can't just be the party of the south if we want to remain a nationally competitive party. As many of you know, and as was reported here, Ehrlich endorsed Rudy Giuliani for president. Rudy is the perfect candidate for rebuilding the GOP as a national party. Rudy would advocate unapologetic libertarian ideals of free-market capitalism while putting states like PA, CA, NJ, and NY in play.

1 comment:

Jim Fryar said...

Gympie Australia,

I broadly agree with Robert Erhlic on electing a strong leader, definately dont shy away from controvercial issues- these will get the most coverage, and can turn things more your way prodided you come across as articulate and convincing. Meet the other side head on and give them a flogging.

Rudy has shown the world that fiscal responsibility and strong leadership works.

Race is the thing that concerns me.

In a free society race should be a non-issue as all people should have have the same rights, opportunities, and responsibilities. If this is the case then no member of any race has any real axe to grind at the political level.

Any race aspect in the campaign should be played along these lines. Racial politics can only be divisive.

And definately dont appologise. If your country is anything like ours there are too many bloody appologists around.